Homework Club Demos

Event Date: Monday, September 27, 2021
Event Time: 3:30 pm
Event End Time: 5:00 pm

Homework club provides after school support for children ages K-8th grade to help assist students complete their homework. In person or online students welcome, our staff is here to help. Homework club is from 3:30-5pm in our Jr.Fit Zone, snack provided, ninja zone brain breaks, math games and weekly riddles. AVAC homework club provides a safe supportive space for students to concentrate and opportunities to develop good homework habitats.

Regular child care rates apply. RSVP required. Reserve your spot through our online member portal or call us at 408.445.4935 for more information.

Almaden Valley Athletic Club
5400 Camden Ave [at Kooser Road] | San Jose, CA 95124
 408.445.4900   [email protected]